Thursday, April 8, 2010

On foot

Today I went a-wandering in the city. I needed a little space after having an atrocious morning memory wise. Firstly I was all proud of myself for turning up at yoga early, took my shoes off, got all settled in then realised the class isn't until tomorrow...! Then I proceeded to forget a doctors appointment in the shambles and well, it just screws with your head. I had originally intended on op shopping in the city megastore and maybe checking out rocking horse records (vinyls) but alas, it was all very impromptu and I wandered the streets for a few hours without finding either place. Fortunately there are plenty of other things to amuse a pedestrian...

  This blind man has been playing in Queen St mall for years but is missing his yellow tinted glasses today. He used to have a guide dog that would sit by him all day but he died a few years ago.

 This is not the usual guy that does these paintings, this one has the common sense to wear a mask and avoid the stoner look. I did like the other guy though.  

Fly wings in between buildings are an essential piece of architecture.

I love this little church surrounded by all the high rises- reminds me of that tiny house dwarfed by it's neighboring buildings in Stuart Little.

 This here in King George Square, very sad to realise this is probably as far back as our history goes...

 Anzac Square Memorial.

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