Monday, April 5, 2010

Biting off the bunny ears

That is the best part about Easter. 

To be honest, this year we didn't really bother doing the whole chocolate egg thing, but I did take advantage of the reduced prices on the paraphernalia today. I guess holidays like these cause you to reminisce about 'the good old days' when you still believed in the Easter bunny. I can't ever remember believing in the Easter bunny or Santa for that matter mainly because our presents from Santa where addressed to us in our mum's handwriting, or wrapped in the same paper as the gift from dad. One story that really sticks with me is when we were at Bribie Island staying at the neighbours' holiday house. Sam woke up spinning an absurd story about a dream that he had which was actually real (according to his young mind.) Apparently the Easter bunny had come and was putting a rather large chocolate bunny into Sam's basket when he so graciously said that he really didn't need one that big. Of course the bunny granted his wish and when he woke in the morning, the correctly sized treat was there. It was so funny because he was so insistent that it happened, that it was real. Maybe he just wanted mum & dad to feel that he really appreciated the chocolates even though they weren't the biggest ones around. What a goody goody.

Enough of the holiday memories. I really liked this exert from a book I'm reading at the moment; When Dogs Cry by Markus Zusak. It's meant to be a kids book I think but heck I'm not really caring about the category if it's a good read...

"Nothing comes easy to a human like me.
It's not a complaint.
Just a truth. 
The only problem now is that I have visions split on the floor of my mind. I have words in there that I'm trying to get out. To write.
Words I'll write for me. 
A story I'll fight for.
and so it begins...
It's night and I walk through the city of my mind. 
Through the streets and alleys. Between building that shiver. Between houses hunched, with their hands in their pockets.
As I walk these streets, sometimes I feel like they walk through me. Throughts in me feel like blood. 
I walk.
I realise. 
Where am I going? I ask myself.
What am I looking for?
Yet I walk on, moving deeper to some unknown place in this city. I'm drawn there.
Past wounded cars.
Down grimly lit stairways.
Till I'm there.
I feel it.
Know it. 
I know I've found the heart of me in a shadow- beaten alley in a back street in the somewhere of this place. 
At the bottom, something waits.
Two eyes glow. 
I swallow. 
My heart beats me.
And now I walk on, to find what it is...

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