Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Kings Canyon

Forgive me, these photos are a little out of order, but you really wouldn't know unless I told you so I've really screwed myself in the foot there. 

The first lot are through the plastic lens of my Holga so tend to make the scenery a little softer than it appears in real life. There are some photos from the digital scattered in there as well.  

We arrived at Kings Canyon around midday and after lunching at the one and only place there, went for a bit of an explore. We checked in later and found to our delight that one of the rooms was upgraded to a spa room! 

Went back to the canyon for some sunset viewing, as was becoming customary. Had to be one of the most beautiful ones on the trip. 

The next morning we got up with the sun (again) to beat the heat for our rim walk above the canyon. We had some pretty knowledgeable tour guides with us to talk about the history of the place. Who knew that Christie and Mella were so accomplished? 

Looking into the Garden of Eden. In the wet season, there's waterfalls and much more water. 

Dining on top of the world.

The whole walk was so cool and calm. It was about 6km which must have been very long for Emily with a bung foot but the wind was up and we took our sweet time. Stopped at every cliff for some gazing/ studying  time with, of course, the correct cliff viewing protocols (see below.) 

On the drive out we came across a herd of brumbies (wild horses). Felt a bit sorry for them exposed out in the heat while we sat in our airconditioned car. I guess they're used to it. 

Need to get me one of these hats

Found tonnes of these melons growing on the side of the road on vines all over the ground. Pem insisted on carting one to Alice so we could ask the locals if we could eat it. Turns out they're poisonous or something.

More brumbies

Mella taking a bath while studying...

Bree- surprise paparazzi as she came out from getting changed! 

Christie (or as she became known to be, Helga)

a blurry photo that I still like 

Impractical surfboard

Our Spabath and view...ahhh

All stories cannot be told by me alone so I'll include some of Christie's and Em's...


say what you really think...