Friday, November 30, 2012

Rock of Ages

Quite last minute I decided to join a few of my friends for a trip out to Uluru- to the red centre of Australia. To discover this great continent of ours has been something that's been becoming important to me as I want to travel more and more of this world while also be able to share the beauty, majesty and experiences of my own land. Our final motley crew consisted of 5 girls: Mella, Emily, Christie, Bree and myself. The perfect little  chilled out team to fit in our Rav 4. 

After waiting a substantial amount of time for our car hire while non-english speaking tourists argued about signing rental agreements, we eventually claimed our car and headed onto the bitumen...

Drawn straight to the centre of it all...The Rock. Uluru. Ayers Rock, The Red Centre.

We did a few obligatory jumping shots to show just how exciting it was to be here. It's much like going to the Grand Canyon, you're there and it's amazing and awe inspiring that flattening it and putting it into a camera just doesn't cut it.  

Where we stayed in Yalara- didn't end up eating at this restaurant but some of the others had a kangaroo wrap at a nearby lunch place. 

While it was still cool in the late afternoon (note: cool= 35 degrees) we found an expanse of asphalt to lie down on.

For the second morning in a row, we arose bright and early with enthusiasm to climb the rock after sunrise. 

Trees looked like they were on fire

and white wispy grass was turned to pink tipped fields 

the moon was still up keeping The Olgas company,

and Uluru was looking as red as ever.

Due to 'high winds' the climb was closed so we decided to walk around the base (9.6 km) It might be a good time to point out the distance because there were two crazy cats in our group who decided to RUN this. 

We found some killer waves (more proof of an inland sea) and Mella below is doing an stella job carving it up. 

Ever the diligent student, Mella stuck to her guns and continued to study well into the trip. 

Dry waterfall

No Swimming

Troll doll grass tufts

We did get to climb a bit of it anyway!

After the early morning exertion, we deserved a break in the pool and a nap, so we did all of the above! In the afternoon, we hit our first major high temperatures at 43 degrees on the way out to the Olgas.

Our essential waterbottles followed us everywhere. Strangely enough, the two shortest people in the group (Em and I) have the two shortest water bottles. Fun fact.

Double exposure

We made many friends along the way and this guy made up a hitchhiker story and then played it on the didg. He also invited us to come back later and watch his tribal dance. 

Mella had an unfortunate incident where she walked straight into a pole. There was a deafening clang, her arms kept going and the rest of her body did not. Frozen peas helped avoid a black eye.

and two nights later we were on our way to Kings Canyon.

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