Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wedding from month (1) past

I promised wedding pictures and have only delivered so that I can post about my latest adventure to Uluru. (And of course because it was one of the coolest weddings I have attended.) 

So here are a selection, some taken on Sir Box Browie and others shot on the fantastic lens of an iphone. 

 It had all the things a normal wedding had:


Interesting artwork...

a baby to kiss...

a bride...

and a groom waiting for her. 

So here is the story of the day without too much commentary:

Trixie being swaddled up nice and snug

Shelley and Dell

Checking out the powerhouse


Bestman and brother, Alex

Still having fun- bit of a good sign

Dell and myself advertising for Shabby Apple! 

Smile, dammit! 

Reception Room with original graffiti intact. Very cool spotlighting around the room made it look ultra schmick

Fingerprint tree aka guest book.

Just in case Lachlan was looking for a way out-here is a handy escape route signposted...

Glen in a film noir moment.

All the best to the happy couple and their multitude of guppies! 


say what you really think...