Tuesday, January 3, 2012

From somewhere you'd rather be...

Part Two:

Off to the beach with our sandals and met cards, we trekked from the train station to what we hoped was the very same Brighton Beach with bathing huts from the 1940's. After walking yonder up the coastline, there they all were: shimmering in the heat. In the spirit of things, lets bring back some 40's slang...

No more flapping my lips, get a load of this ace beach!

coolin' his heels

Washing those blues away

Hang! Those colours near burn my eyes

One of the stacked dolls at the beach

Need these huge glasses to protect my peepers

Hot Diggity Dog, that there is a king-size jump! 

A well swanky joint

Sometime in the near future...
Part Three: The Great Ocean Road!


  1. nice lingo! You do well... Brighton is pretty eh? Can't wait to see youre great ocean road pics, I miss that country!

  2. Ha I even took a pic when we breezed through Geelong- just for you! Booked my flights today- see you sooooon...

  3. Ah, how I wish I was there.


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