Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Allow time for Analogue Delay

In an internet world where time is money and my fans are begging (hope the dwindling few picked up on the sarcasm.) for live updates of my life, I've decided to switch back to film. 

And then blog about it.

It makes no sense whatsoever: it costs more, it takes an average of 7 minutes and 24 seconds to change to a new roll of film, providing things go smoothly and there's no auto red-eye correction. 

What world is this? It's strange, blurred, grainy, overexposed, out of focus over-saturated and terrific!

 Ode to all the 'seconds' that were left in the photo box with the negatives...


  1. I agree: there is some terrificness there!
    a dwindling fan

  2. love love love love love love love love love! The 1st beach photo is amazing. Loving all the over-exposed-ness. I've been wanting to make this switch as well (instead have switched over to no photo taking of any form) so I am glad you're doing it for me! LOVE it. LOVE it. By the way.
    L O V E,
    my upside down face


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