Monday, January 9, 2012

Great Ocean Road

We bid farewell to the hungover revellers blearily eating their cereal at the backpackers and made our way to the Wicked Camper Depot to pick up our van. One bleeding toenail and almost 2 hours later we trundled ourselves and our suitcases into the van camp. We were assigned a rather modest van much to my disappointment- no inappropriate street art or slogans? What is this? Bonny was most happy with our new ride possibly because she thought we were less likely to be robbed...oh and it had a fridge! 

We set off following the major signs and my handy Discover Australia National Parks map for the main highlight of the trip: The Great Ocean Road!

Breaking the Terms & Conditions of Hire by (gasp!) driving on an unsealed road. First time, won't be the last.

Who says sea horses are only 2cm long? These ones are more like 4mm


People. On a beach.

The quality entertainment in Lorne

Some nice ladies we met.

Essential items for these parts : scooter, film & a  ridiculous hat.

Our baby while she was still sparkly and clean

Scenery shot 1 / 78935789305



Who attempted that so the sign was necessary?

"Blue & Green should never been seen, except for something in between"


Why she should be jumping for joy was somewhat of a mystery. It remained to be seen how she would execute a graceful landing with legs that were amputated at the knee.

paddocks and such

While driving this particular stretch of road there were several instances where one had to swerve for not only the occasional Japanese tourists, no no. Hourdes, I tell you. Taking over the road with their telephoto lenses for the sake of these lazy marsupials:

Please note that you can take a perfectly valid shot out of a moving car (see above)

May have stopped for some lollies...

Final Destination: The Twelve Apostles (or rather 8 now as seen by the sad little stumps in the shallows.)

After Bonny driving a winding coastal road ALL day, we finally made it to The Twelve Apostles. Joining tour groups and local yokels who had staged a rather mournful and dissonant carols performance, we came, we were amazed, we took far too many photographs.

This is so candid

Not at all a planned shot

Double WOW!

Oh really?

Why does this sign make me want to test it out? If it were not here I would have no such desire to crawl to the edge of a cliff face.

Bugs live here too apparently

One of the milder silly shots in my portfolio. 


  1. Really a great post.I liked it and i will share it with others too.
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  2. nice trip! you look good, but you'll look waaaay better with a lil canada scenery behind you. :)

  3. Ha! I'll make you look translucent with my newfound tan from this trip (hopefully)

  4. Enjoyed catching up on your recent blog posts... it looks like a very fun trip, and you got some awesome scenery shots! Hope we'll get to see you when you're in Canada! :D

    1. Yes! I've been meaning to grab you on skype but the timing's never right! Would love to catch up while I'm in Van- I'll have a few days spare to catch up.


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